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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending#MoralSorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategoryCan be sorted ascendingQuestions
26The Perfect Storm1) Back-up is only as good as the weakest link; 2) Insurance is something you buy before the disaster.199102/27/200601/25/2024SharkStoryYesMaleOperations Mgmt,Crisis Mgmt1) What is the weakest link in your computer systems? Are there a
64The Knowledge is in the Doing50% of what you need to know is in the doing200402/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt1) Why can some people visualize a solution and some can't? Is th
504Selling the PlumbingA CIO must be chief translator and facile with a metaphor201803/24/201801/03/2023UMSIStoryYesMaleCommunication,Metaphor1. What examples have you heard used in technical presentations t
578DownsizingA downsizing is more than a budget and staff cut201511/10/202201/18/2024IFRCStoryYesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance,Downsizing1. Have you or someone you know been through a downsizing before?
46Draw Another PictureA drawing is worth a thousand words200002/27/200606/15/2023STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) Can you draw your IT strategy on a single page? Does this forc
377MetaphorA good metaphor communicates the goal201007/31/201610/11/2016IFRCStoryNoStrategy,Metaphor
573Throw in a steakA jelled team is a carnivorous doer200010/18/202210/19/2022STCStoryNoMaleProject Mgmt
415A Jelled TeamA jelled team is your most valuable project asset201510/27/201610/19/2022NetHopeStoryNoFemaleProject Mgmt
606Leadership vs. ManagementA leader's success depends on the team's success202311/22/202301/25/2024AdvisorStoryNoMaleLeadership
290A tale of two choirsA leader brings out the hidden talents200912/25/200911/21/2016St FrancisStoryYesFemaleLeadership1) When have you experienced a good leader or teacher who brought
434The NYT Puzzle StreakA long run can be disincentive to beat201611/20/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryNoMaleMeasurement
198Free Pizza for LifeA ludicrous response may be a brilliant marketing coup200001/27/200706/19/2011HPMDStoryNoService
175Hitting a tree in the desertA mistake repeated is not a lesson learned200608/30/200606/19/2011STCStoryNoChange Mgmt,People Mgmt
23Hire Somebody, Fire Somebody And Reorganize SomebodyA new manager has a license to change; use it quickly199101/03/202301/05/2023DBCStoryYesMalePeople Mgmt1) Was the Chevron president's approach excessive? Why or why not
364The Kobayashi Maru TestA no-win situation is an opportunity to learn from failure201606/22/201606/22/2016UMSIStoryNoLeadership
591The Truck IIA paradigm shift is looking at the problem in a new way, from a new frame of reference.199510/02/202301/25/2024StamfordStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt,Paradigms
401Where does it hurt?A powerful image can communicate the enormity of the problem201510/08/201611/20/2016IFRCStoryNoFemaleCommunication
28Tell Me Three ThingsA problem is a learning experience199202/27/200602/13/2023SharkStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt1) What is the attitude in your team when problems occur? 2) What
40The Dinner InvitationA project is a partnership is a relationship200002/27/200602/13/2023St. FrancisStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt1) What would indicate customer delight for your customers? 2) Ha
220Playing with toysA sense of play is more adult than you think198409/24/200709/27/2022IDCStoryYesMalePeople Mgmt1) How would you create an outside-the-box interview experience?
259Stuck in ParisA set-back is a little death200810/12/200906/19/2011ParisStoryNoChange Mgmt,Values
234San AntonioA simple story can communicate a rich strategic vision200701/17/200801/08/2023NetHopeStoryYesMaleStrategy,Vision,Stories1) What are the stories you hear told about your organization? 2)
302Colliders, Postcards and BHAGsA singular, defining goal can be powerful201102/06/201111/20/2016IFRCStoryNoGoals,Conflict
278The ScreamA smart decision from one perspective may be failure from another's.200910/07/201801/25/2024STCStoryYesMaleCrisis Mgmt1) What are some of the basic costs in your organization? For exa
363ElasticityA stretch goes further each time, but at some point breaks201606/04/201606/04/2016IFRCStoryNoLeadership
314The Student and the MegaphoneA strong voice can give voice to the whispering201212/08/201211/21/2016IFRCStoryYesFemaleLeadership1) What if your organization were to give greater voice to the sm
341AccompanimentAccompanying your client is a different mind-set then serving them201605/03/201605/03/2016IFRCStoryNoService
346Hometown newspaperAct in a way that makes your parents proud199005/03/201605/03/2016DBCStoryNoValues
534The WellAddressing the root causes can lead to positive change200909/08/202201/03/2023STCStoryNoMaleCulture
467The Four S'sAdvisory Boards Serve by supporting, being a sounding board, steering and selling201707/11/201702/06/2018OCHAStoryNoMaleLeadership

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