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621Robo-CheeseAutomation first reaches the mundane201005/01/202405/01/2024IFRCStoryNoMaleAI
571The Amazon InterviewIn an ambiguous situation, making sense of it starts with a conversation.201809/27/202211/29/2023UMSIStoryNoFemaleAmbiguity,Failure,Improv,ConversationHere are the discussion questions: 1. Have you encountered ambigu
310Here's the pageAnticipate the questions198512/15/201107/22/2012LotusStoryNoAnalysis
484DreamThe focus on all the moving parts can lose sight of the whole201710/07/201705/03/2022UMSIStoryNoFemaleAnalysis
236Plug compatibleFor architecture, you need to understand the plugs200802/04/200806/19/2011STCStoryNoArchitecture,Systems
185Five ways to create budgetYou can stretch what you have200610/21/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleBudget Mgmt1) Can you use these six methods in your organization? What other
53Creating an Internal Capital BudgetInvestment funds created out of operations are the easiest to get approved200202/27/200606/15/2023STCStoryYesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance1) Do you have a capital budget? If so, what percent of your tota
578DownsizingA downsizing is more than a budget and staff cut201511/10/202201/18/2024IFRCStoryYesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance,Downsizing1. Have you or someone you know been through a downsizing before?
622The '57 ChevyOld, spiffy systems need maintenance like classic cars200705/02/202405/02/2024STCStoryNoFemaleBudget Mgmt,Metaphor
89One more time: What is Bureaucracy?Discussion paralysis is as insidious as analysis paralysis200502/27/200612/15/2021STCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy
144BureaucracyBureaucracy demotivates200605/09/200612/15/2021STCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy
391The CIA ManualBureaucracy can be sabotage in the guise of order201510/08/201612/15/2021IFRCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy
367The Chain of CommandThe chain of command chokes creativity and free flow of ideas201607/23/201612/15/2021IFRCStoryNoMaleBureaucracy
428Orbiting the HairballOrbit, don't fly off or get sucked in201611/03/201601/18/2024LisbonStoryYesMaleBureaucracy,Innovation1) How can you get distance in your organization? 
2) What's your
472What do I need to do to get a job?Build your story a credential at a time201708/01/201706/15/2023UMSIStoryYesFemaleCareers1. Were the exercises useful or not? Why or why not? 2. What expe
507Defaulting to ManagerThe economic reality will push top performers to management201809/08/202201/03/2023UMSIStoryNoMaleCareers
555How do you pick your areaFirst ask what makes you come alive201809/08/202211/14/2023RossStoryNoMaleCareers
554The Next Salary IncreaseSalary stops being the yardstick when your basic needs are met198909/08/202201/03/2023SharkStoryNoMaleCareers
626Rejections into OpportunitiesReframe rejections as opportunities202406/04/202406/04/2024AdvisorStoryYesMaleCareers
473Drinking from the fire-hoseBeing overwhelmed is a sign you won't be bored in three months199508/01/201706/24/2021HPMDStoryNoMaleCareers,People Mgmt
195Don't hit the ball in the drinkPsych in, not out199512/27/200606/19/2011HPMDStoryNoChange Mgmt
392Change DenialChanging is a bit like dying (dying to the past)201410/08/201603/02/2021NetHopeStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt
286The PebbleSmall things can cause large disruptions200912/21/200906/19/2011STCStoryNoChange Mgmt
246The Gas StationSometimes everyone and everything comes all at once197006/02/200801/08/2023SmithtownStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt
487If the Horse is DeadSometimes, change is not an option201310/07/201710/13/2017IFRCStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt
553The work of change managementThe strength in asking for help201609/08/202201/03/2023IFRCStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt
582The WIIFM PrincipleChange means being able to answer WIIFM201802/08/202302/08/2023UMSIStoryNoFemaleChange Mgmt
595Servers and ResiliencyPick your metaphors carefully201310/27/202301/25/2024IFRCStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt,Communication,Resilience
591The Truck IIA paradigm shift is looking at the problem in a new way, from a new frame of reference.199510/02/202301/25/2024StamfordStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt,Paradigms
190Standing StillThose who stand still are the ones who get hit by the train200612/01/200606/19/2011STCStoryNoChange Mgmt,People Mgmt

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