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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending#MoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingReady?Sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategoryCan be sorted ascendingQuestions
80There is no perfect softwareThere is no perfect software, but there is better recovery200502/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryNoMaleOperations Mgmt
195Don't hit the ball in the drinkPsych in, not out199512/27/200606/19/2011HPMDStoryNoChange Mgmt
79The Telephone as an AnchorSystem adoption by anchoring to what is known200502/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryNoMaleStrategy,Training
184Good filters, clear waterStrategy is about choice: filtering in the yes, and out the no200610/05/200611/20/2016STCStoryNoChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality
153Remember me?It's about the relationship, stupid.198706/02/200606/19/2011DBCStoryNoService
108Who cares about prompts?Cool features on an old platform miss the boat198103/27/200610/02/2023IDCStoryNoMaleProject Mgmt,Paradigms
453The Jam ShakeWaste not, want not201612/31/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryNoMaleValues
203Muscle MemoryPractice creates a safety net of memory underneath the memory200702/04/200706/19/2011STCStoryNoExecution
401Where does it hurt?A powerful image can communicate the enormity of the problem201510/08/201611/20/2016IFRCStoryNoFemaleCommunication
369Minimum Viable ProductWhen Less is More201507/26/201607/26/2016IFRCStoryNoProject Mgmt
350The "And"The power of the AND is greater than the power of the OR201505/20/201601/10/2024NetHopeStoryNoFemaleConflict
423Grants and IT CostsFactor IT costs in each program grant200511/02/201611/20/2016STCStoryNoFemaleFinance
281Ping-Pong VictoryNever give up197410/12/200912/08/2021ExxonStoryNoMaleValues,Persistence,Failure
451Share and DoFor collaboration, the agenda must shift from "do, then share" to "share, then do."201112/06/201610/27/2023BellagioStoryNoFemaleStrategy
400The Taxi DriverPeople are impacted by the big picture201510/08/201610/08/2016IFRCStoryNoLeadership
348Branching outThere is a time to leave the nest and step out on a limb201605/19/201605/19/2016IFRCStoryNoPeople Mgmt
113Project AutopsiesUncover the lessons learned198604/10/200602/13/2023DBCStoryNoMaleProject Mgmt
447Tech for Good, Tech for BadThe prophets and the priests of technology can learn from each other201112/03/201610/27/2023IFRCStoryNoFemaleEthics,Paradigms
104Write the AdMake mission mindshare199503/15/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryNoMaleStrategy
356In the tentKeep your critics close201406/03/201606/03/2016NetHopeStoryNoValues,Leadership
300All the designs were differentThere's more than one way to a solution201011/15/201001/06/2023IFRCStoryNoMaleProject Mgmt,Collaboration,Design
205It isn't over till it's overThe system is the specification198002/13/200706/19/2011FBCStoryNoProject Mgmt
337The Nespresso CaseIf you believe in something, protect it201501/06/201601/06/2016IFRCStoryNoInnovation,Leadership
111Your work portfolioReserve time for the strategic200603/28/200602/08/2024STCStoryNoFemaleStrategy
341AccompanimentAccompanying your client is a different mind-set then serving them201605/03/201605/03/2016IFRCStoryNoService
102Why are you working so hard?The work has meaning200303/15/200602/13/2023STCStoryNoMaleValues
265LeadershipTell a story of success and put your people in it200810/12/200906/19/2011DartmouthStoryNoStrategy
231What's your standard of learning?Learning is forever197512/26/200712/16/2017DrewStoryNoMaleValues,Training
320Landing the ShipLeadership is about landing ships, no matter how rocky the shore201303/03/201310/19/2014NetHopeStoryNoLeadership
334The Refugees and the PotsNeed to trust people to cook for themselves201404/16/201510/27/2023IFRCStoryNoFemaleService

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