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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending#MoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedSorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategoryCan be sorted ascendingQuestions
155ClipboardsWatching people use the technology is worth a thousand spec's199506/17/200611/20/2016HPMDStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt,Service,Design1) What users have you asked to observe doing their jobs? 2) How
390Selling the DashboardStart with trust in the basics before adding extra features201609/29/201611/20/2016LisbonStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt1) One of the simplicities of Apple's designs is the one-button.
414ExpectationsManaging expectations starts with keeping your customers informed.200010/18/201611/20/2016STCStoryYesFemaleService1) What situations have you encountered where expectations were n
288The Frog and the TrainIf you don't move, you get hit by the train200912/21/200911/21/2016STCStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,Strategy1) What would you do: Call a train a train? Look before you leap?
290A tale of two choirsA leader brings out the hidden talents200912/25/200911/21/2016St FrancisStoryYesFemaleLeadership1) When have you experienced a good leader or teacher who brought
314The Student and the MegaphoneA strong voice can give voice to the whispering201212/08/201211/21/2016IFRCStoryYesFemaleLeadership1) What if your organization were to give greater voice to the sm
321The Steamers of Lake GenevaThe real work of accountability is to empower the front lines as owners201306/03/201311/21/2016IFRCStoryYesMaleLeadership1) Are there clear owners of functions in your organizations? Who
48The Secret to SuccessThe secret to success is getting started.200011/20/201611/21/2016STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) How would you describe your company's or department's strategy
999Mean Time to Story FailureYour top stories are the memorable ones200412/26/200711/22/2016STCStoryYesReaderConclusion,Humor
432How many royals lost their heads?The Internet generation thought process is different200811/19/201611/30/2016DartmouthStoryYesFemaleProblem Solving,People Mgmt1) How many sources did the teenager mention? 2) How many of thes
39Don't Legislate ExceptionsDon't legislate exceptions; just state the rule.199611/20/201612/02/2016HPMDStoryYesFemaleProcess Mgmt1) To how many people would you tell the cabinet story? The snow
150The rising star and the problem employeeAn over-concern for the problem employee is an under-concern for the rising star198705/21/200605/18/2017DBCStoryYesMaleLeadership,People Mgmt1) Who are the stars on your team? 2) What are you doing to make
323Twitter or the GoatSometimes the BBQ is more effective that the smartphone201305/21/201408/14/2017IFRCStoryYesFemaleCulture,Communication1) Thinking about the Goat as a metaphor, how might you apply thi
189Decision Theory and Hard ChoicesFlip a Coin, but don't look200611/14/200608/14/2017CWRUStoryYesMaleProcess Mgmt,Decision-making1) What are some of the decisions you faced for which the calcula
327AcronymsSpeaking in code is for insiders only201408/13/201408/14/2017IFRCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1. How much longer would a report be with all acronyms spelled ou
227Hearing the callGet your name out among people, then listen for the echo200711/18/200708/14/2017STCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) What are some of the "boats" that have come your way? Did you
379Learning to Love the QuestionsAsk what questions the system will answer201608/18/201608/25/2017IFRCStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt1. What are the questions you cannot answer today, or are difficu
241The reward is in the doingGiving back is a strong motivator for any team200704/04/200812/16/2017STCStoryYesMaleLeadership,People Mgmt1) What IT work do you need to get done that a corporate partner
289Crossing the StreetLetting others take the lead means learning to be a good follower200912/21/200912/16/2017STCStoryYesMaleLeadership1) What are some things people on your team do better than you do
162The Big UmbrellaBig vision, small strategy200606/20/200601/03/2018STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) Have you had the experience of having your strategy grow with
248ColumbusStrategy is destination and discovery200807/25/200801/03/2018STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) Can you think of examples in your organization that are "boat
304Bottle-capsConnect with people where they are, with what they use201107/04/201101/03/2018IFRCStoryYesFemaleDesign,Strategy1) What technologies do each of your audiences bring to the table
490Texting in the BushKnow the technology touch-points201010/07/201702/03/2018NetHopeStoryYesFemaleStrategy,Project Mgmt,Culture1. What technologies are your project audiences most comfortable
488Pasta or Pastry?Is it a pastry or a pasta problem?201110/07/201710/07/2018BellagioStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt,Strategy1. Which projects have you experienced where information was lack
427DiversityFocus on diversity of opinions201611/03/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryYesFemaleStrategy,Culture1) How many nationalities are on your IT team? How many men and w
435Spinning GoldCreating something out of nothing is hard201611/20/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryYesFemaleFinance1) What's the one thing you need when you respond to IT requests
444SourcesDevelop a set of "goto" sources201611/30/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) What do you read each day? 2) Which authors do you respect? 3)
359Go Around the TableThe group will correct the outlier every time201406/03/201608/01/2019NetHopeStoryYesMaleValues,Leadership1. What have been your experience with a dominant voice on a team
74Which Technology is Strategic?Technology must become more strategic200502/27/200608/07/2019STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1. How many of your IT projects are impacting citizens or users v
219Technology ProverbsPragmatic, common sense isn't so common200009/09/200708/19/2019HPMDStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt,Strategy1. Which of these proverbs make most sense to you? Which have you

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