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#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascendingMoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingCrossRefCan be sorted ascending or descendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategorySorted ascendingQuestions
621Robo-CheeseAutomation first reaches the mundane201005/01/202405/01/2024IFRCStoryNoMaleAI1
571The Amazon InterviewIn an ambiguous situation, making sense of it starts with a conversation.201809/27/202211/29/2023UMSIStoryNoFemaleAmbiguity,Failure,Improv,ConversationHere are the discussion questions: 1. Have you encountered ambigu2
310Here's the pageAnticipate the questions198512/15/201107/22/2012LotusStoryNoAnalysis3
484DreamThe focus on all the moving parts can lose sight of the whole201710/07/201705/03/2022UMSIStoryNoFemaleAnalysis4
236Plug compatibleFor architecture, you need to understand the plugs200802/04/200806/19/2011STCStoryNoArchitecture,Systems5
185Five ways to create budgetYou can stretch what you have200610/21/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleBudget Mgmt1) Can you use these six methods in your organization? What other6
53Creating an Internal Capital BudgetInvestment funds created out of operations are the easiest to get approved200202/27/200606/15/2023STCStory185YesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance1) Do you have a capital budget? If so, what percent of your tota7
578DownsizingA downsizing is more than a budget and staff cut201511/10/202201/18/2024IFRCStory24YesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance,Downsizing1. Have you or someone you know been through a downsizing before?8
622The '57 ChevyOld, spiffy systems need maintenance like classic cars200705/02/202405/02/2024STCStoryNoFemaleBudget Mgmt,Metaphor9
89One more time: What is Bureaucracy?Discussion paralysis is as insidious as analysis paralysis200502/27/200612/15/2021STCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy10
144BureaucracyBureaucracy demotivates200605/09/200612/15/2021STCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy11
391The CIA ManualBureaucracy can be sabotage in the guise of order201510/08/201612/15/2021IFRCStoryNoFemaleBureaucracy12
367The Chain of CommandThe chain of command chokes creativity and free flow of ideas201607/23/201612/15/2021IFRCStoryNoMaleBureaucracy13
428Orbiting the HairballOrbit, don't fly off or get sucked in201611/03/201601/18/2024LisbonStory186YesMaleBureaucracy,Innovation1) How can you get distance in your organization? 
2) What's your
472What do I need to do to get a job?Build your story a credential at a time201708/01/201706/15/2023UMSIStory141YesFemaleCareers1. Were the exercises useful or not? Why or why not? 2. What expe15
507Defaulting to ManagerThe economic reality will push top performers to management201809/08/202201/03/2023UMSIStoryNoMaleCareers16
555How do you pick your areaFirst ask what makes you come alive201809/08/202211/14/2023RossStory349NoMaleCareers17
554The Next Salary IncreaseSalary stops being the yardstick when your basic needs are met198909/08/202201/03/2023SharkStoryNoMaleCareers18
626Rejections into OpportunitiesReframe rejections as opportunities202406/04/202406/04/2024AdvisorStory101YesMaleCareers19
473Drinking from the fire-hoseBeing overwhelmed is a sign you won't be bored in three months199508/01/201706/24/2021HPMDStoryNoMaleCareers,People Mgmt20
195Don't hit the ball in the drinkPsych in, not out199512/27/200606/19/2011HPMDStoryNoChange Mgmt21
392Change DenialChanging is a bit like dying (dying to the past)201410/08/201603/02/2021NetHopeStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt22
286The PebbleSmall things can cause large disruptions200912/21/200906/19/2011STCStoryNoChange Mgmt23
246The Gas StationSometimes everyone and everything comes all at once197006/02/200801/08/2023SmithtownStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt24
487If the Horse is DeadSometimes, change is not an option201310/07/201710/13/2017IFRCStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt25
553The work of change managementThe strength in asking for help201609/08/202201/03/2023IFRCStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt26
582The WIIFM PrincipleChange means being able to answer WIIFM201802/08/202302/08/2023UMSIStoryNoFemaleChange Mgmt27
595Servers and ResiliencyPick your metaphors carefully201310/27/202301/25/2024IFRCStory165NoMaleChange Mgmt,Communication,Resilience28
591The Truck IIA paradigm shift is looking at the problem in a new way, from a new frame of reference.199510/02/202301/25/2024StamfordStoryNoMaleChange Mgmt,Paradigms29
190Standing StillThose who stand still are the ones who get hit by the train200612/01/200606/19/2011STCStoryNoChange Mgmt,People Mgmt30

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