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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending#MoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeSorted ascendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategoryCan be sorted ascendingQuestions
80There is no perfect softwareThere is no perfect software, but there is better recovery200502/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryNoMaleOperations Mgmt
195Don't hit the ball in the drinkPsych in, not out199512/27/200606/19/2011HPMDStoryNoChange Mgmt
79The Telephone as an AnchorSystem adoption by anchoring to what is known200502/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryNoMaleStrategy,Training
184Good filters, clear waterStrategy is about choice: filtering in the yes, and out the no200610/05/200611/20/2016STCStoryNoChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality
59Change the BoxChange the box; don't take "black box" processes as a given200302/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesMaleProcess Mgmt1) What process steps will you change in your current or next pro
58Don't Bet Against the NetworkDon't bet against the network200302/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesMaleStrategy1) Are Internet connections changing fast enough to wait? How do
153Remember me?It's about the relationship, stupid.198706/02/200606/19/2011DBCStoryNoService
108Who cares about prompts?Cool features on an old platform miss the boat198103/27/200610/02/2023IDCStoryNoMaleProject Mgmt,Paradigms
291The Big RocksTo be strategic, you need to put the big rocks in first201007/04/201109/27/2022NetHopeStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) What are the Big Rocks in your department? in your organizatio
368RetiringIt's never over till it's over201607/23/201602/08/2024IFRCStoryYesMaleGoals,Values1) How do you view your work? Is it just a job, or is there more?
10The Conservation of TypingDon't forget that computing is about taking work out of the system!198202/27/200602/13/2023IDCStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt1) How can you take work out of your latest project? 2) What piec
453The Jam ShakeWaste not, want not201612/31/201612/09/2018LisbonStoryNoMaleValues
62Giving Back is StrategicPhilanthropy is more than citizenship or retention; it's strategic development200402/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleStrategy1) How are you helping to create meaning for your team? 2) What d
203Muscle MemoryPractice creates a safety net of memory underneath the memory200702/04/200706/19/2011STCStoryNoExecution
401Where does it hurt?A powerful image can communicate the enormity of the problem201510/08/201611/20/2016IFRCStoryNoFemaleCommunication
369Minimum Viable ProductWhen Less is More201507/26/201607/26/2016IFRCStoryNoProject Mgmt
350The "And"The power of the AND is greater than the power of the OR201505/20/201601/10/2024NetHopeStoryNoFemaleConflict
134Fail FastFail your way to success199505/05/200611/22/2023HPMDStoryYesMaleStrategy,Innovation1) What does it mean to have a portfolio of experiments? 2) How c
247The Bump Into FactorPut the new in the middle of the path200206/02/200810/27/2023STCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) What is the one thing you want everyone on your team to know?
423Grants and IT CostsFactor IT costs in each program grant200511/02/201611/20/2016STCStoryNoFemaleFinance
281Ping-Pong VictoryNever give up197410/12/200912/08/2021ExxonStoryNoMaleValues,Persistence,Failure
20The End of CodingFeature freeze, or the point at which all required features has been added to the system, is the mid-point of the development cycle, not the end-point198702/27/200602/13/2023DBCStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt1) What are the steps required to launch new software in your org
451Share and DoFor collaboration, the agenda must shift from "do, then share" to "share, then do."201112/06/201610/27/2023BellagioStoryNoFemaleStrategy
400The Taxi DriverPeople are impacted by the big picture201510/08/201610/08/2016IFRCStoryNoLeadership
40The Dinner InvitationA project is a partnership is a relationship200002/27/200602/13/2023St. FrancisStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt1) What would indicate customer delight for your customers? 2) Ha
388The Young NavigatorTranslate into your audiences' frames of reference196209/23/201610/27/2023West BabylonStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) has this new situation happened before? 2) Is this like someth
288The Frog and the TrainIf you don't move, you get hit by the train200912/21/200911/21/2016STCStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,Strategy1) What would you do: Call a train a train? Look before you leap?
348Branching outThere is a time to leave the nest and step out on a limb201605/19/201605/19/2016IFRCStoryNoPeople Mgmt
143Bowling and CurtainsWith a good scoreboard, you don't need feedback from a manager198305/08/200603/29/2024IDCStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt,Measurement1) How close is the game of bowling to doing projects or other wo
3Draw a PictureWhen it comes to strategy, a picture is worth a thousand words196911/20/201602/13/2023SmithtownStoryYesMaleStrategy1) Can you draw a one-page picture to represent your company's or

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