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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleSorted ascending#MoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategoryCan be sorted ascendingQuestions
1011,008 RejectionsPersistence pays199803/09/200606/04/2024HPMDStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality,Persistence1. How do you feel after a failure? What do you do about it? 2. D
43636 Factors of DelightPrinciples guide design more than specs201611/28/201601/18/2024SabbaticalStoryYesFemaleDesign,Innovation1) What are your design principles? 2) What have you noticed that
81A Red-Button PartyWhen you find a problem, celebrate: it's an opportunity to ratchet up the quality198502/27/200602/13/2023IDCStoryYesMaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality1) When a problem is discovered in your company or department, wh
116A reunion lesson about stressReduce stress by giving people control over their work198904/30/200602/13/2023DrewStoryYesMalePeople Mgmt
124A sense of accomplishmentTo be a good manager you need to take pride in others199110/07/201806/15/2023HPMDStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt,Leadership1) What brings you the most satisfaction in your job? 2) How do y
290A tale of two choirsA leader brings out the hidden talents200912/25/200911/21/2016St FrancisStoryYesFemaleLeadership1) When have you experienced a good leader or teacher who brought
243A Tree in Zaire"But just to ask us who we think we are"200805/10/200801/08/2023Cap GeminiStoryYesMaleLeadership,Vision,Stories1) Who are we in this story and why? a) Are we the man with the a
123Accomplishing goals through othersTo be a good manager, you need to work through others199110/07/201806/15/2023HPMDStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt,Leadership1) What are some examples of not working through others? 2) What
327AcronymsSpeaking in code is for insiders only201408/13/201408/14/2017IFRCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1. How much longer would a report be with all acronyms spelled ou
542Acts of KindnessBrainstorm kind surprises202109/16/202201/03/2023UMSIStoryYesMaleValues,Service1. What random acts of kindness have you experienced in the workp
493All That JazzInvite shaking up the status quo200811/11/201712/20/2021FairfieldStoryYesMaleMetaphor,Leadership,Bureaucracy,Improv1) In a brainstorming session, what happens when an idea is sugge
72An Extra Day of WorkGet technology into the hands of your leaders.200511/20/201601/08/2023STCStoryYesMaleStrategy1) I mentioned the benefits of getting technology in your senior
33Anticipating TastesAnticipate your stakeholder needs199410/07/201901/22/2024HPMDStoryYesFemaleService1) Can you listen without any speaking? How do you suppose the ch
165Are you on the bus or off the bus?The bus is leaving the station; are you on it or not?200506/29/200602/08/2024STCStoryYesMalePeople Mgmt,Leadership1) How do you determine if the team is aligned with a new initiat
5Assemble the ComponentsAssembly is easier and faster than creating from scratch197802/27/200610/19/2023FBCStoryYesMaleProject Mgmt1) How can you break large problems into smaller parts? 2) In wha
570AT&T MobileOptimize the time when you jump on a disruptive technology201909/15/202211/20/2023UMSIStoryYesMaleInnovation1) Review the Gartner Hype Cycle and discuss when the optimal tim
31Beating the High ScoreKnowing what the prior team's score is makes an outstanding achievement possible199402/27/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryYesFemaleMeasurement,Operations Mgmt1) What are your teams top 3 indicators? 2) Does your team know w
349Becoming ItalianPay attention to when you come alive; and put yourself there200804/28/202311/14/2023DartmouthStoryYesFemaleVision,creativity1) When are the times you most come alive? What happens to your t
426Boi CavaloPush the edge and watch your customers react201611/03/201611/20/2023SabbaticalStoryYesFemaleStrategy,Innovation1) What are the risks of testing new things on your customers? Wh
511Boil It down"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." --Antoine de Saint-Exupery201809/15/202201/08/2023UMSIStoryYesFemaleCommunication1. Look at your last presentation. Can you boil it down to a sing
304Bottle-capsConnect with people where they are, with what they use201107/04/201101/03/2018IFRCStoryYesFemaleDesign,Strategy1) What technologies do each of your audiences bring to the table
143Bowling and CurtainsWith a good scoreboard, you don't need feedback from a manager198305/08/200603/29/2024IDCStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt,Measurement1) How close is the game of bowling to doing projects or other wo
512Budget Cuts and the BeardProtests can sometimes be silent200409/08/202202/01/2025STCStoryYesMaleMetaphor,Leadership1. What are the injustices that you've seen at your organization?
13Build the ThrowawayBuild a prototype to meet a basic need; embellish later198402/27/200611/20/2023IDCStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt,Innovation1) Michael Schrage , MIT Professor, says that "Effective prototyp
35C-Level WorkOne man's c-level work is another's a-level199502/27/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryYesMalePeople Mgmt1) What assignments have you shied away from? Why? 2) Have you ev
129Cabbage BowlingPlay builds teams; fun relieves stress.200405/05/200610/17/2024STCStoryYesFemalePeople Mgmt,Humor1. What types of events has your organization held for employees?
91Cajun PopcornIf it doesn't meet the customer's unique needs, it's not excellent service.199502/27/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryYesMaleService1) What's your favorite restaurant story? How many other people h
0.6Cast of CharactersEvery story has a character or two201611/28/201601/05/2023LisbonStoryYesReaderPreface
59Change the BoxChange the box; don't take "black box" processes as a given200302/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesMaleProcess Mgmt1) What process steps will you change in your current or next pro
68Chunk It DownSmall is beautiful; chunk it down; phase it out (love the chunks!)200302/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleProject Mgmt1) What project or problem have you seen that suffered from the l

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