Year | # | Title | # | Moral | Year | Created | Modified | Place | DocType | Ready? | Gender | Category | Questions | |
| 101 | 1,008 Rejections | | Persistence pays | 1998 | 03/09/2006 | 06/04/2024 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Female | Change Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality,Persistence | 1. How do you feel after a failure? What do you do about it? 2. D |  |
| 436 | 36 Factors of Delight | | Principles guide design more than specs | 2016 | 11/28/2016 | 01/18/2024 | Sabbatical | Story | Yes | Female | Design,Innovation | 1) What are your design principles? 2) What have you noticed that |  |
| 81 | A Red-Button Party | | When you find a problem, celebrate: it's an opportunity to ratchet up the quality | 1985 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | IDC | Story | Yes | Male | Change Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality | 1) When a problem is discovered in your company or department, wh |  |
| 116 | A reunion lesson about stress | | Reduce stress by giving people control over their work | 1989 | 04/30/2006 | 02/13/2023 | Drew | Story | Yes | Male | People Mgmt | |  |
| 124 | A sense of accomplishment | | To be a good manager you need to take pride in others | 1991 | 10/07/2018 | 06/15/2023 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Female | People Mgmt,Leadership | 1) What brings you the most satisfaction in your job? 2) How do y |  |
| 290 | A tale of two choirs | | A leader brings out the hidden talents | 2009 | 12/25/2009 | 11/21/2016 | St Francis | Story | Yes | Female | Leadership | 1) When have you experienced a good leader or teacher who brought |  |
| 243 | A Tree in Zaire | | "But just to ask us who we think we are" | 2008 | 05/10/2008 | 01/08/2023 | Cap Gemini | Story | Yes | Male | Leadership,Vision,Stories | 1) Who are we in this story and why? a) Are we the man with the a |  |
| 123 | Accomplishing goals through others | | To be a good manager, you need to work through others | 1991 | 10/07/2018 | 06/15/2023 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Female | People Mgmt,Leadership | 1) What are some examples of not working through others? 2) What |  |
| 327 | Acronyms | | Speaking in code is for insiders only | 2014 | 08/13/2014 | 08/14/2017 | IFRC | Story | Yes | Female | Communication | 1. How much longer would a report be with all acronyms spelled ou |  |
| 542 | Acts of Kindness | | Brainstorm kind surprises | 2021 | 09/16/2022 | 01/03/2023 | UMSI | Story | Yes | Male | Values,Service | 1. What random acts of kindness have you experienced in the workp |  |
| 493 | All That Jazz | | Invite shaking up the status quo | 2008 | 11/11/2017 | 12/20/2021 | Fairfield | Story | Yes | Male | Metaphor,Leadership,Bureaucracy,Improv | 1) In a brainstorming session, what happens when an idea is sugge |  |
| 72 | An Extra Day of Work | | Get technology into the hands of your leaders. | 2005 | 11/20/2016 | 01/08/2023 | STC | Story | Yes | Male | Strategy | 1) I mentioned the benefits of getting technology in your senior |  |
| 33 | Anticipating Tastes | | Anticipate your stakeholder needs | 1994 | 10/07/2019 | 01/22/2024 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Female | Service | 1) Can you listen without any speaking? How do you suppose the ch |  |
| 165 | Are you on the bus or off the bus? | | The bus is leaving the station; are you on it or not? | 2005 | 06/29/2006 | 02/08/2024 | STC | Story | Yes | Male | People Mgmt,Leadership | 1) How do you determine if the team is aligned with a new initiat |  |
| 5 | Assemble the Components | | Assembly is easier and faster than creating from scratch | 1978 | 02/27/2006 | 10/19/2023 | FBC | Story | Yes | Male | Project Mgmt | 1) How can you break large problems into smaller parts? 2) In wha |  |
| 570 | AT&T Mobile | | Optimize the time when you jump on a disruptive technology | 2019 | 09/15/2022 | 11/20/2023 | UMSI | Story | Yes | Male | Innovation | 1) Review the Gartner Hype Cycle and discuss when the optimal tim |  |
| 31 | Beating the High Score | | Knowing what the prior team's score is makes an outstanding achievement possible | 1994 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Female | Measurement,Operations Mgmt | 1) What are your teams top 3 indicators? 2) Does your team know w |  |
| 349 | Becoming Italian | | Pay attention to when you come alive; and put yourself there | 2008 | 04/28/2023 | 11/14/2023 | Dartmouth | Story | Yes | Female | Vision,creativity | 1) When are the times you most come alive? What happens to your t |  |
| 426 | Boi Cavalo | | Push the edge and watch your customers react | 2016 | 11/03/2016 | 11/20/2023 | Sabbatical | Story | Yes | Female | Strategy,Innovation | 1) What are the risks of testing new things on your customers? Wh |  |
| 511 | Boil It down | | "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." --Antoine de Saint-Exupery | 2018 | 09/15/2022 | 01/08/2023 | UMSI | Story | Yes | Female | Communication | 1. Look at your last presentation. Can you boil it down to a sing |  |
| 304 | Bottle-caps | | Connect with people where they are, with what they use | 2011 | 07/04/2011 | 01/03/2018 | IFRC | Story | Yes | Female | Design,Strategy | 1) What technologies do each of your audiences bring to the table |  |
| 143 | Bowling and Curtains | | With a good scoreboard, you don't need feedback from a manager | 1983 | 05/08/2006 | 03/29/2024 | IDC | Story | Yes | Female | People Mgmt,Measurement | 1) How close is the game of bowling to doing projects or other wo |  |
| 512 | Budget Cuts and the Beard | | Protests can sometimes be silent | 2004 | 09/08/2022 | 02/01/2025 | STC | Story | Yes | Male | Metaphor,Leadership | 1. What are the injustices that you've seen at your organization? |  |
| 13 | Build the Throwaway | | Build a prototype to meet a basic need; embellish later | 1984 | 02/27/2006 | 11/20/2023 | IDC | Story | Yes | Female | Project Mgmt,Innovation | 1) Michael Schrage , MIT Professor, says that "Effective prototyp |  |
| 35 | C-Level Work | | One man's c-level work is another's a-level | 1995 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Male | People Mgmt | 1) What assignments have you shied away from? Why? 2) Have you ev |  |
| 129 | Cabbage Bowling | | Play builds teams; fun relieves stress. | 2004 | 05/05/2006 | 10/17/2024 | STC | Story | Yes | Female | People Mgmt,Humor | 1. What types of events has your organization held for employees? |  |
| 91 | Cajun Popcorn | | If it doesn't meet the customer's unique needs, it's not excellent service. | 1995 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | HPMD | Story | Yes | Male | Service | 1) What's your favorite restaurant story? How many other people h |  |
| 0.6 | Cast of Characters | | Every story has a character or two | 2016 | 11/28/2016 | 01/05/2023 | Lisbon | Story | Yes | Reader | Preface | |  |
| 59 | Change the Box | | Change the box; don't take "black box" processes as a given | 2003 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | STC | Story | Yes | Male | Process Mgmt | 1) What process steps will you change in your current or next pro |  |
| 68 | Chunk It Down | | Small is beautiful; chunk it down; phase it out (love the chunks!) | 2003 | 02/27/2006 | 02/13/2023 | STC | Story | Yes | Female | Project Mgmt | 1) What project or problem have you seen that suffered from the l |  |