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Year#Can be sorted descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending#MoralCan be sorted ascendingYearCan be sorted ascendingCreatedCan be sorted ascendingModifiedCan be sorted ascendingPlaceCan be sorted ascendingDocTypeCan be sorted ascendingReady?Can be sorted ascendingGenderCan be sorted ascendingCategorySorted ascendingQuestions
185Five ways to create budgetYou can stretch what you have200610/21/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesFemaleBudget Mgmt1) Can you use these six methods in your organization? What other
53Creating an Internal Capital BudgetInvestment funds created out of operations are the easiest to get approved200202/27/200606/15/2023STCStoryYesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance1) Do you have a capital budget? If so, what percent of your tota
578DownsizingA downsizing is more than a budget and staff cut201511/10/202201/18/2024IFRCStoryYesMaleBudget Mgmt,Finance,Downsizing1. Have you or someone you know been through a downsizing before?
428Orbiting the HairballOrbit, don't fly off or get sucked in201611/03/201601/18/2024LisbonStoryYesMaleBureaucracy,Innovation1) How can you get distance in your organization? 
2) What's your
472What do I need to do to get a job?Build your story a credential at a time201708/01/201706/15/2023UMSIStoryYesFemaleCareers1. Were the exercises useful or not? Why or why not? 2. What expe
626Rejections into OpportunitiesReframe rejections as opportunities202406/04/202406/04/2024AdvisorStoryYesMaleCareers
6Leave your SignatureStyle matters; leave your signature197902/27/200610/19/2023FBCStoryYesMaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality1) What elements of style have you left imprinted on your work? O
81A Red-Button PartyWhen you find a problem, celebrate: it's an opportunity to ratchet up the quality198502/27/200602/13/2023IDCStoryYesMaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality1) When a problem is discovered in your company or department, wh
44Giving the Third to the ArchitectYou have to give one to the developers200002/27/200602/13/2023St. FrancisStoryYesMaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality1) Which projects have you experienced that have problems with ti
95Perfection and ProcrastinationOnly when the pain of avoiding a task exceeds the pain doing a task "perfectly," will the probability rise high enough for success.199502/27/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality1) What work do you put off? Why? 2) What's missing from the abov
1011,008 RejectionsPersistence pays199803/09/200606/04/2024HPMDStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,People Mgmt,Quality,Persistence1. How do you feel after a failure? What do you do about it? 2. D
288The Frog and the TrainIf you don't move, you get hit by the train200912/21/200911/21/2016STCStoryYesFemaleChange Mgmt,Strategy1) What would you do: Call a train a train? Look before you leap?
588We Are Better TogetherListening to the conversation brings the solution.201606/28/202311/20/2023NetHopeStoryYesFemaleCollaboration,Stories1) What stories do you tell about yourself? 2) What stories do yo
247The Bump Into FactorPut the new in the middle of the path200206/02/200810/27/2023STCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) What is the one thing you want everyone on your team to know?
388The Young NavigatorTranslate into your audiences' frames of reference196209/23/201610/27/2023West BabylonStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) has this new situation happened before? 2) Is this like someth
227Hearing the callGet your name out among people, then listen for the echo200711/18/200708/14/2017STCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1) What are some of the "boats" that have come your way? Did you
34Ping Pong ThinkingIterative thinking builds an idea199502/27/200602/13/2023HPMDStoryYesMaleCommunication1) When have you had a discussion that rapidly builds ideas? Is i
327AcronymsSpeaking in code is for insiders only201408/13/201408/14/2017IFRCStoryYesFemaleCommunication1. How much longer would a report be with all acronyms spelled ou
41The Chairman Gets ITTalk about technology in nontechnical terms200002/27/200602/13/2023STCStoryYesMaleCommunication1) One of the ways to describe technology is by using metaphors.
511Boil It down"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." --Antoine de Saint-Exupery201809/15/202201/08/2023UMSIStoryYesFemaleCommunication1. Look at your last presentation. Can you boil it down to a sing
585Grenade PinsGive permission to call out and stop idea-killing comments202305/03/202306/13/2023St. Clare'sStoryYesMaleCommunication,Leadership1) Have you ever been in a meeting where no one wants to speak up
7Technology Without the TechnologySpeak technology in nontechnical terms198102/27/200602/13/2023IDCStoryYesMaleCommunication,Metaphor1) Can you recall a time when you were asked to play a role of tr
504Selling the PlumbingA CIO must be chief translator and facile with a metaphor201803/24/201801/03/2023UMSIStoryYesMaleCommunication,Metaphor1. What examples have you heard used in technical presentations t
528"Between" PeopleBeing a chief translator is a valuable skill for most business201909/16/202201/06/2023UMSIStoryYesFemaleCommunication,Project Mgmt,Careers1. How do you like to spend your time, all coding and analysis, a
510Soft SkillsThe business is first a relationship199509/15/202201/03/2023Sara LeeStoryYesMaleCommunication,Service1. As a client, what have been your interactions with trade profe
586The StrawmanReacting is a stronger form of creating200006/13/202310/27/2023STCStoryYesFemaleCommunication,Vision,Project Mgmt1. What are the risks in creating an early vision of where you wa
999Mean Time to Story FailureYour top stories are the memorable ones200412/26/200711/22/2016STCStoryYesReaderConclusion,Humor
370Take me to the riverGoing to the river ain't for sight-seeing; it's for seeing the truth200507/26/201611/08/2021STCStoryYesMaleConflict1. Where are the places where you were told bad news about your p
297MichelangeloWith a vision, you're always not done yet201007/04/201102/08/2024NetHopeStoryYesMaleCreativity,Vision1) What did retirement look like for your parents? What do you im
475Where were you?Event markers divide our lives and organizations into chapters201708/08/201709/27/2022UMSIStoryYesFemaleCrisisStart with the questions in the letter: 1) When you think about y

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