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Letters to a Young Manager

The Ripple Effect, #540

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
About the Iowa Caucus reporting software case

If you're changing something, the weekend before this is going to be used. You typically have to do what's called a regression test, which is you test it back through all of the bugs that have happened before, all the problems reported, because when you make a change to a system, it's like the old story of the boy who puts his finger in the dike because there's a leak in the levee or the dike. And what happens? He puts his finger in one place and three leaks spring up somewhere else. That's called the ripple effect. So the reason you run through the test for everything, again, is to make sure that when you fix one thing it hasn't caused something else to break.
Sincerely yours,



One problem often leads to another

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