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Letters to a Young Manager

No lanes, no rules, #411

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
Again, context is key.  Perhaps I can illustrate this with a story.  When my wife and I visited Cairo, we noticed the typical highways, traffic lights and lanes we were used to.  However, in Cairo, no one paid attention to these.  If four cars fit in three lanes they did.  If a light was red, but there was room to go, they did.  If pedestrians crossed the highway, the only discernible rule we could see was "don't look!"  Now how does Google self-driving car work in that context.  (i would add that the Internet connectivity was spotty and much slower than in CA, and no one was driving a Lexus.)  Now there may be new driving rules for a smart car to learn, but that underscores the point, context matters.

See Evernote: 01/09/15 WDR Forum Closing
Sincerely yours,



Context is key

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